Page 159 - Elite Promo Marketing
P. 159


                        VERSATILE. MODULAR. CONNECTED.

                                                  Slim swivel feet
                      Personalize your            allow units to be                                      aluminum frame
                      display by adding           paired at angles.           Fabric contours            is lightweight
                      accessories (sold                                       to the frame for a         and stable.
                      separately; see                                         form-fitted look.
                      page 164).

                                        EUROFIT FEATURES & BENEFITS

                                                                                 US Patent
          Joints are labeled for   Push-button         Select displays feature   Compatible displays can   Soft carry
          accurate step-by-step   connectors make     a heavy-duty zipper that   be hinged together using   case included
           frame assembly.        assembly easy.      secures the graphic cover.  the EuroFit Connector.  with all kits.

         EASE OF SETUP
           graphic covers easily
             slide on and off.

        SHOWDOWNDISPLAYS.COM · ASI 87188 · PPAI 254687 · SAGE 67383 · PPPC 20101202                               159
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