Page 245 - Elite Promo Marketing
P. 245
Terms & Conditions
OUR OBJECTIVE with the remaining 50% due upon delivery, or terms established at time of
Our focus at AZX is quality, service and partnership. Our number one order.
goal is to provide 5 star service and to ensure our customers are always
satisfied. We are committed to making everything easy for our customers ORDERS
and ensuring an open communication channel with our customers. We Once a purchase order is received we will send an order acknowledgement
value the importance of every order, while promising to be fair, reliable and within 24 hours and it is the distributor’s responsibility to verify the
honest while never putting our customers’ integrity at risk. accuracy of the information prior to sign off. If you do not receive an order
acknowledgement within 24 hours, please call customer service to check
PRICES the status on your order. The minimum order value is $160 (R), for any order
Prices are subject to change without notice. less than minimum please contact your dedicated account executive for
We encourage all artwork to be submitted in a vector format with all fonts OVERRUNS AND UNDERRUNS
converted to outlines. All colors must be specified and converted to a Solid Due to the nature of manufacturing with high speed imprint machinery
Coated Pantone Color if color matching is required. Please note if artwork coupled with damages that are removed during quality control, overruns/
is not submitted in vector format or a coated Pantone color, AZX cannot underruns are a common occurrence in this industry. Most items have a
guarantee our highest printing quality or color matching. Color matching 10% over/under policy. When an exact quantity is necessary for your event,
is not guaranteed with CMYK Digital Printing and gradients. If unable to it should be specified to your sales rep and should appear on your final
submit artwork in a usable format, art charges of $50.00/hour (W) will be acknowledgement. There is an additional charge when requesting exact
applied to digitalize artwork (minimum 30 minutes). quantity.
Preferred File Formats PRODUCTION TIME
.ai – Adobe Illustrator Orders approved after 12pm EST begin production on the next business
.eps – Encapsulated Post Script day. Please note our Lightning Next Day Rush Service does not include a
.pdf – Portable Document Format virtual proof with this production time. If a virtual proof is required, please
add 1 business day. If you require any changes to an order after art approval,
Email artwork to or to your dedicated Account Executive. please contact your dedicated Account Executive or Regional Sales
Please contact AZX if having trouble submitting art files over 5MB. Manager. AZX will attempt to facilitate any changes requested, but please
note this may delay the original ship date. Any changes requested while in
VIRTUAL PROOFS production may be subject to charges for costs incurred in production to
Virtual proofs are available free of charge and will be provided prior date.
to production on orders unless otherwise stated on a purchase order. If
revisions are required, a maximum of two revisions are available free of CANCELLATION POLICY
charge, any revisions requested subsequently are subject to a charge of Orders cancelled will be subject to a 10% cancellation fee, in addition to any
$50 (V). Written approvals are required prior to production and must be fees incurred by AZX. Orders already into production cannot be cancelled
confirmed within 24hrs or delays will result. Production time begins when the without the explicit written agreement of AZX.
final proof is approved, approval received after 12pm EST begin production
on the next business day. The AZX art department will make every effort to
reproduce virtuals as precisely as requested, however it is the distributor’s SHIPPING AND HANDLING
responsibility to double check accuracy prior to sign off. AZX will ship all products from the closest manufacturing facility; New
York, San Diego, Toronto. All shipments will be defaulted to FedEx unless
otherwise specified on the purchase order with a corresponding account.
SAMPLES High quantity orders will be quoted via a trucking company and the distributor
Random samples are free with a provided shipping account. Please clearly will contacted to decide best ship method. There is a $10.00 (P) surcharge
indicate the method of shipment, if not specified we will default to ground. per address for any order shipping to more than two locations. AZX will
If sample request is received after 12pm EST the sample will not ship until make every effort to contact the distributor if delivery instructions are not
the next business day. clear. In the event that the distributor is unreachable, AZX reserves the right
Spec samples are subject to a set-up charge and will be waived when full to ship goods to meet the specified delivery date. In this case, distributors
order is submitted (with no art changes). Please provide a shipping account will be soley responsible for freight charges incurred. AZX cannot be held
to cover freight charges. accountable for any shipping errors, damages, or delays occurring once the
Pre-production samples are available free of charge as long as a shipping goods have left our warehouse.
account is provided for freight. If a shipping account isn’t provided there will
be a $35.00 (V) cost added to the order. All pre-production samples will
be shipped standard overnight, unless clearly specified on the purchase REPEAT ORDERS
order. Pre-production samples must be requested on purchase order and Previous purchase order numbers or old AZX order numbers must be
are strongly recommended for every order. If the option for a pre-production referenced when submitting repeat orders. Repeat orders will be produced
sample is refused, the liability of print quality, color, and material falls on without re-approval unless explicitly requested in writing. Repeat orders
the customer. Please note pre-production samples add to the published are not subject to another setup as long as there are no artwork changes
production times and full production will not proceed without written within 1 year of placing the previous order. Repeat orders will be subject to
approval. a second setup if there are any artwork changes or if it is re-ordered after
1 year. Please note we will keep artwork on file for a maximum of 2 years.
Credit and Payment AZX reserves the right to modify products, change materials and inks
Prepayment is required on the first order placed with AZX and must be without notice. Please double check with customer service to ensure
received prior to the order being shipped. Accepted payment methods products have not changed prior to placing repeat orders.
are credit card (Visa, MasterCard or American Express), wire Transfer,
e-transfers and company or personal checks. If prepaying with credit card
there will be a 3% processing fee applied to your order. Credit terms can be RETURNS
established after first order is completed by filling out a credit application. Our customer care department will handle all return requests on a case by
Once received, we will contact you within 24 hours and notify you of your case basis. All returns must reference a return authorization number which
approved credit limit. We extend 30 day net credit up to your approved limit. will be assigned by the customer care team.
For orders being placed over approved credit limit a 50% deposit is required PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR