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28 Technology Technology 29
VR Boxes VR Boxes
ACC0017 0000
Lense diameter 37mm, focal length 45mm
Matrial: Kraft Paper
Dimensions:15 x 8.5 x 6 cm
ACC0018 0000
Velcro closure,Black magnet, Neodymium silver ring magnet
Head strap, Sponge pad, NFC tag, Fit for 5.7" phones with a
width under 80mm.
Material: Kraft paper
Dimensions:15 x 10 x 8.5 cm
ACC0019 0000 ACC0020 0000
Plastic VR box, with a nylon head strap and memory foam Plastic VR box, with a nylon head strap and memory foam
cushioning, View Angle: 70-80°, Analog view distance: Watch cushioning, View Angle: 85-95°,Analog view distance: Watch
1000 inch screen in 3 meters, Lens transmittance: OD 42mm 100 inch screen in 3 meters, Lens transmittance: OD 42mm
aspheric optical hard resin lens, support within myopic 600 aspheric optical hard resin lens, Support: Within myopic 600
degrees, Lens enlargement factor: 1-2% / 1.5-2, compatible degrees,Lens enlargement factor: 1-2% / 1.5-2, Compatible
with both Android and iOS phones of sizes 3.5''-6.0'' with both Android and iOS phones of sizes 3.5''-6.0''
Dimensions: : 19.8 x 11.0 x 13.7cm Dimensions: 19.0 x 12.9 x 11.0 cm
Material: ABS, PC, Nylon 210D, Polyurethane foam Material: ABS, PC, Nylon 210D, Polyurethane foam