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PIL0001 PIL0002 PIL0004 PIL0005
Frosted rotary pill box, three compartments. Alarm pill box, 7 compartments, LCD clock and timer, and a Compact pill box, 4 compartments, 2 snap lids. Translucent squared pill box, 4 compartments and 4 snap lids.
rotating dispenser.
Material: PP, PE Material: PP, PE Materail: PE
Dimensions: Ø 8.5 × 3 cm Material: PP, PS Dimensions: Ø 7.0 × 2 cm Dimensions: 6.4 × 6.4 × 1.85 cm
Dimensions: Ø 9.8 × 2 cm
PIL0003 PIL0006 PIL0007
Alarm pill box, 3 compartments, LCD clock and timer and a Round, translucent, plastic pill box with three compartments. Key chain pill box
rotating dispenser.
Material: PP, PE Materail: SS106, PS
Materail: PP, PS Dimensions: Ø 7.5 × 1.5 cm Dimensions: Ø 2.2 x 6.0 cm
Dimensions: Ø 8.0 × 3 cm