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 Smart watch  Silicone led watch

 WTS0001    WTS0003
 U9 Smart watch  Trendy and nice bracelet watch, press the face to display the
            numbers! Three display modes; time, date and seconds, power
            saving LED turns off after 3 seconds of non-use.
 Compatible with both Android and IOS operating systems,
 Syncing phone data such as phonebook, music ..etc, Incoming   Material: Silicon, PP
 calls alert, Notifications alert, Remote trigger for phone camera,   Dimensions: 26 x 2 x 0.4 cm
 Antitheft alarm, Pedometer, Sleep monitor, Stopwatch, Alarm.
 Ram: 128MB, ROM: 64MB, Built in G sensor, Bluetooth 3.0,
 Built in step tracker.
 Material: SS316, TPU
 Dimensions: 74 x 17.8 x 8.8 mm

                                                               Trendy digital watch, press the face to display the numbers!
                                                               Three display modes; time, date and seconds, power-saving
                                                               LED turns off after 3 seconds of non-use.
                                                               Material: Silicon, SS304
                                                               Dimensions: 24 x 2.1 x 0.4 cm
 U18 Smart watch

 Wifi enabled, Syncing phone data such as phonebook, music
 ..etc, Incoming calls alert, Notifications alert,Send, Receive
 and respond to calls and notifications, GPS, Remote trigger for
 phone camera, Antitheft alarm, Find phone, Pedometer, Sleep
 monitor, Stopwatch, Alarm.
 Material: Plated SS316, TPU
 Dimensions: 22 x 1.5 x 1 cm
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