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Icons at a glance

       We’ve highlighted the best performance features and technical properties found in our innovative products with easy-to-understand icons.
       Here’s an index of our icons, with brief explanations.

         Performance Icons

         2 layers of fabric   Waterproof and   Prevents odours    Durable, soft fabric    Reduces electrostatic    Access ports    Transfers moisture   Uses yarn   Machine wash
         bonded together to   breathable membrane   through bacterial   that resists pilling.  charges produced   for personal    vapours to the outside    technology to   and tumble dry,
         provide structure or   bonded between    controlling fabric    during regular wear.  audio device    of garments.  absorb and   needs little to
         waterproof/breathable   2 fabrics.  and yarn finishes.    and headset.           neutralize odours.  no ironing.

        Transfers moisture    Crisp collars always   Colours stay bright    Smooth fabric    Garment maintains   Pulls moisture    Night time visibility   Can be worn    Fused with
        to the outer surface.  look sharp and   and vibrant.  finishes without   size and shape    away from    and increased safety.  on either side   waterproof
                   professional.           unsightly pills.  wash after wash.  your body.  of garment.  tape.

         Protects from   Protects from    Fabric finish protects   Fabric finish    Creates a barrier   Stretch fabrics   Reinforced seams    Provides sun   Provides sun
         snags.    snags with heavier   against set-in   allows stains to   between fabric and   engineered for   to prevent distortion   protection with   protection with
                   weight and added   dirt and grime by   detach easier.  staining agents to   comfort and   and retain seam   rated Ultraviolet   rated Ultraviolet
                   structure.  allowing for easy      prevent set-in stains.  flexibility.  integrity.  Protection Factor.  Protection Factor.
                               surface soil release.

         Provides sun   Impedes moisture   Fabric surface is   Fabric is finished   Constructed    Treated and    Fabric relaxes   Shirt finishing
         protection with   from penetrating   finished to prevent   to block moisture   with a wind   cured shirt finish to   to release any   that resists
         rated Ultraviolet   garment for a    moisture penetration.  penetration along   barrier.  prevent wrinkles.  wrinkles.  wrinkles and
         Protection Factor.  period of time.     with sealed seams.                                  holds shape.

         Performance Technologies                                                   Temperature Icons*

                           ®          ®                                                            Extreme Weather
       Easy-care synthetic   Protection for wet   Innovative ceramic   Combines the colour   Durable,    Designed with our   Durable,    -1ºC to -27ºC Temperature Range
       blown fill offers the   conditions utilizing   print technology   fastness of cationic   water-repellent   highest level of   water-repellent
       thermal benefits of   excellent water   creates superior   dyes with soft,    technologies   protection against   technologies creates
       down.      resistant & repellent   warmth without   cotton-feel   creates protection   the sun’s harmful   added protection for
                  technologies.  weight.  performance.  in wet and rugged   rays, offering a   wet conditions.  Cold Weather
                                                    work conditions.  minimum of
                                                              50 Ultraviolet                  3ºC to -22ºC Temperature Range
                                                              Protection Factor.
         System Icons
                                                                                                   Mild/Cool Weather
                                                                                              7ºC to -14ºC Temperature Range
                                                                                     *UTK temperature ranges are provided as a
         Features detachable   Designed to allow easy   Designed to fold away   Features convertible design   Helps make   guideline only due to the variables contributing
         elements such as hoods.  embroidery access.  into its own pocket.  elements allowing for   embroidery easier.  to each person’s response to cold.
                                                      versatile multi-purpose use.
         IL Rating Icons                 Matchables                  Partner Icons

         Tested to 25, 50 or 75 industrial washes according to    Mix and match these polos, shirts and jackets.
         AATTC (American Association of Textile Chemists & Colorists)    They are all easy to coordinate for a polished look
         industry standards to help ensure longevity and durability.  in the office and casual comfort for your team.   TM

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