Page 83 - Elite Promo Marketing
P. 83




                                                                            Did you know...

                                                                            53% of the world’s fisheries are fully
                                                                            exploited and 32% are overexploited,
                                                                            depleted, or recovering from depletion.
                  E                                                         (SOURCE:

                                                                            Globally, at least 16,000 species are

                                                                            threatened with extinction, including 12%
                                                                            of birds, 23% of mammals and 32% of
                                                                            amphibians. (SOURCE:

                                                                            There has been a 40% commercial loss of
                                                                            honeybees in the US since 2006 and grows
        Conservation Printed Plantable Shapes                               more and more each year.

        These fun seed paper shapes were designed to deliver an             (SOURCE:
        important message along with your branding to have a big
        impact for the planet. They are compact and easy to distribute      Vast amounts of energy go into producing,
        however you choose. (Logo printed on the back with                  processing and transporting drinking water.
        planting instructions)                                              By saving water, you save energy and reduce
                                    100  250 500 1000 2500                  CO  emissions at the same time.
        A) SAVE OUR OCEANS (SOO4377)   1.40  1.11  1.08  1.01  0.89  (C)    (SOURCE:
        B) WILDLIFE CONSERVATION (WCP4376)  1.40  1.11  1.08  1.01  0.89  (C)  Excess CO , caused by many factors,
        C) WATER CONSERVATION (WCD4373)   1.40  1.11  1.08  1.01  0.89  (C)            2
        D) SAVE THE BEES (STB4375)   2.23  1.88  1.77  1.64  1.50  (C)      is building up in our atmosphere and
        E) SAVE TREES (STL4374)     2.29  1.91  1.81  1.67  1.53  (C)       contributing to climate change. Trees absorb
                                                                            CO , removing and storing the carbon
          PAPER: 100% seed paper   SETUP: $35                               while releasing the oxygen back into the air.
 Conservation Promotions  SIZE: Varies  IMPRINT: 4-color process            (SOURCE:

                                                                                              Learn about        83
                                                                                              seed types
                                                                    How to
                                                                   plant the
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