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Terms &                                            Production Time:                                                       Art Specifications:                                 Split Shipping:
                                                                                                                                        Accepted file types: AI, PDF, PNG. Artwork should be provided
                                                                                                                                                                                            For split shipments add $7.00G per address. Proper addresses
                                                                 Our standard production time is 10 business days from January
                                                                                                                                        at 300 dpi or higher. Vector artwork is recommended for best
                                                                                                                                                                                            must  be  submitted  10 business days before  ship date,  in  an
                                                                 – October and 15 business days in November and December,
                                                                                                                                        results. A design fee of $70  per hour  is charged  for  editing,
              Conditions                                         unless otherwise noted for a specific product.  Production Time        creating, or correcting of artwork.                 format than the Excel file provided, add $3.00G per address.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Excel template provided to you. If a list is submitted in a different
                                                                 does not begin until the order summary and artwork have been
                                                                                                                                                                                            Address corrections are charged at $3.00G for each location.
                                                                                                                                        Colour Reproduction:
                                                                 approved in our online system, and does not include shipping
                                                                 to  destination.  We  may  ship  earlier  than  the  specified  date
                                                                 to ensure timely arrival. Standard production time cannot be           For Edible Prints: The CFIA & FDA limits the amount of certain   Drop Shipments:
                                                                                                                                        colourants we can use in food products, limiting us from printing
                                                                 guaranteed  from October  through  December  due to  high              true colour. We cannot guarantee a 100% colour match with   For drop shipments, add $5.00G per address for mailers. Proper
                                                                 volume.                                                                our edible printing products. Due to the nature of edible  ink   addresses must be submitted 10 business days before ship date,
                                                                                                                                        printing,  slight  colour  variation  and  changes  may  occur  over   in an Excel file that will be provided to you. If a list is submitted in
                                                                                                                                        time. For Paper Prints: We do not offer colour matching services.    a different format from the Excel file provided, add $3.00G per
                                                                 Rush Orders:                                                           All colours will  be accurate to the best of our  ability  with   address. Address corrections are charged at $3.00G for each
                                                                 Rush  orders  include  any  order  confirmed  with  an  estimated      standard digital printing.                          location.  A drop  shipment requires that we are  shipping the
                                                                 shipping date fewer than the standard 10 or 15 business days                                                               same number of items to each location. If we are shipping a
                                                                 following approval of artwork and order summary. Rush orders           Less Than Minimum:                                  different amount to each location, please refer to Split Shipping.
              Ordering:                                          are subject to a minimum 15% rush fee, are not guaranteed,             Add $35.00 for orders less than catalogue minimum. The absolute
              All orders must be sent via e-mail. Phone  orders  are not   and will only be accepted on a case by case basis.           minimum order for each product is 50% of the catalogue minimum.
              accepted. Order  summary and art proof  will be sent after
              the purchase order and artwork are received. Orders are not                                                                                                                   Satisfaction Guarantee:
              confirmed until the order summary and proof are approved via   Self Promotion:                                            Shipping:                                           What  happens  when  we’re  not  perfect?  Simple  -  we  will
              our online order system. Submission of a PO does not constitute   We offer EQP and 50% off set-up charges. Cannot be combined   Orders to destinations within Canada ship F.O.B Toronto. Orders   work with you to replace product, provide a discount, or
              order placement. PO’s take up to 2 business days to process.       with  any  other  promotional  offers  or  discounts.  Self-promo   to destinations within the United States ship F.O.B Buffalo. All   offer a refund or store credit. Each situation is different and
              PO’s submitted after  3pm EST will not  be viewed until the   pricing is not available  during the months of November  and   freight  charges and  applicable  taxes are  extra  and  will be   we promise to work with you to solve any and all issues in a
              following business day.                            December.                                                              billed accordingly. We ship via FedEx, UPS and other carriers   reasonable manner.
                                                                                                                                        as required. We cannot be held responsible for shipping delays
                                                                                                                                        caused by couriers, national disasters, or anything else beyond
              Payment:                                                                                                                  our reasonable control. Carriers may bill us for address corrections
              Unless otherwise agreed upon, all orders are to be paid in full                                                           and  other  charges which  will be  invoiced  accordingly  if
              prior  to  production.  Accepted  forms  of  payment  are  Visa,   Sample & Mock-Ups:                                     inaccurate information was provided to us by the client.
              Mastercard,  American  Express, Company  Check,  Direct   Mock-ups are free of charge. The estimated turnaround time is
              Deposit or Electronic Transfer.                    24 hours. Tasting samples are free of charge and limited to what       Warm Weather Shipping:
                                                                 is fresh in stock. Some exclusions apply. Shipper account must         If the outside temperature  exceeds 21 degrees Celsius  (70
                                                                 be provided, or the cost of shipping must be paid upfront. Spec        degrees  Fahrenheit),  insulated coolers  with ice packs will
              Order Changes:                                     samples are subject to a fee of $20.00 and up, plus shipping.          be required for many items. The product will  remain cool for
              Changes  to  an  order  already  confirmed  must  be  made  in   Standard production times apply.                         2 days. Expedited shipping is required for locations beyond a
              writing. Order changes are not confirmed until a revised order                                                            2-day ground ship zone.  For  standard shipments, add $12.00
              summary and proof are approved in writing. Change requests                                                                per cooler. Number of coolers required varies based on item
              cannot  be  guaranteed  and  may  result  in  shipping delays.                                                            and order quantity.
              Order changes are subject to extra fees, minimum of $20.
                                                                 Trademark:                                                             Third Party Shipping:
                                                                 All artwork or copy submitted by the customer to produce their         We are happy to ship with third party shipper account numbers
              Cancellations, Returns & Claims:                   order must be submitted in full compliance with all applicable         at an additional charge of $5.00 per location. Valid zip codes/
              Order cancellations must be provided in writing. In the event   laws regarding  trademark,  service  mark,  copyright,  right  to   postal codes associated with the accounts must be provided.
              that an order is  already in production,  labour, supplies,  and   privacy, patent  or  similar protection.  Corporate  Confections   If  zip  codes/postal codes  are  not  valid, shipments  will be
              other  costs will be  billed accordingly.  Return  requests  and   cannot be held liable  or responsible for any  infringement   charged to our account and invoiced accordingly. We cannot
              claims must  be  submitted  in  writing  along  with  photographs   resulting from artwork or copy provided by the client.     guarantee  successful  pick-ups  by third party carriers and
              within 2 business days of receipt of product. Product must be   Trademarks  used  in  this  catalogue  are  for  demonstration   cannot be held responsible for delays resulting from using third
              kept in its original condition to be eligible for returns or claims.   purposes only and may not be actual purchases from the   party shipping methods.
                                                                 companies shown.
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