Page 5 - Elite Promo Marketing
P. 5
Prices are subject to change and include one color, one location imprint. Applicable set up and running charges apply. Recommended decorating method is not always pictured. For full
Pric es ar e subjec t t o change and include one c olor , one loca tion imprin t. Applicable se t up and running char ges apply . R ec ommended dec or a ting me thod is not alw a y s pic tur ed. F or full
product information including up-to-date pricing, special promotions and other important details, go to And remember, if you want to confirm the true color of a product, t,
pr oduc t in f orma tion including up-t o-da t e pricing, special pr omotions and other importan t de tails, go t o w w w .pcna. c om. And r emember , if y ou w an t t o c on firm the true c olor of a pr oduc
we suggest ordering a sample.
w e sugges t or dering a sample . Cutter & Buck | 4