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All About Our Honey

         Àˆââi½Ã wÀÃÌ «Àœ`ÕVÌà ÜiÀi LœÀ˜ ̜ ViiLÀ>Ìi ̅i       Due to its pH balance, moisture content, and the natural
        ˜>ÌÕÀ>] Ãi>ܘ> `ˆvviÀi˜Vià œv  >˜>`ˆ>˜ wi`ð 7i      preservative magic of enzymes, honey is one of the only
        VÀi>Ìi` …œ˜iÞ Ìœ ŜÜV>Ãi ̅i ՘ˆµÕi y>ۜÕÀ >˜`          foods that doesn’t spoil - but with Drizzle’s incredible
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        provide. Unlike our competitors, we showcase these       you’ll reach the end of the jar in no time at all.
        beautiful differences, rather than blend them together.
        These products set the foundation for Drizzle becoming
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        the most premium, authentic, and sustainable choice for
        the everyday honey lover.                                cough suppressant.

        In 2018 we introduced our Superfood and Craft honey      Evidence supports that honey may help with allergies.
        Collections. Each blend is chef-developed and wellness
                                                                 Consuming raw honey increases exposure to pollens
        ˆ˜Ã«ˆÀi` ̜ >`` ˜œÕÀˆÃ…“i˜Ì] ˆ˜VÀi`ˆLi y>ۜÕÀ >˜`
        functionality to our coveted raw honey. Honey is not just   that trigger an immune response, and helps build up
        for tea and toast; our new honey blends have inspired    antibodies, resulting in less histamine release.
        foodies and health-food enthusiasts across Canada to
        experiment with Drizzle in their everyday meals, snacks
                                                                 Honey is moisturizing, antibacterial, antifungal, and
        and drinks.
                                                                 antimicrobial. It’s also a natural antiseptic and can be

        Maintaining the nutritional integrity and complex        used for redness, itchiness, and to disinfect wounds
        y>ۜÕÀ œv …œ˜iÞ ˆÃ ˆ“«œÀÌ>˜Ì ̜ ÕÃ] Ü  Àˆââi …œ˜iÞ ˆÃ   and burns.
        completely raw. In order to preserve healthy enzymes,
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                                                                 Honey boosts your energy, due to its superiority in
        our honey. Heat destroys many of honey’s enzymatic
                                                                 maintaining glycogen levels and improving recovery
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        and along with it, all of the wonderful proteins, amino   time.
        acids, vitamins, and folic acid that pollen carries.
                                                                 Honey scores below sugar on the glycemic index.
        Raw honey will naturally crystallize, but Drizzle naturally

        sets into a unique, creamy texture unlike any other
        honey on the market.                                     Honey can be used as a sleep aid, for gastrointestinal
                                                                 disorders, and as a probiotic.

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