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 General Information  General Information

 Prices  Cancellations  Less than Minimum Quantity Orders        Order Confirmation
 Canadian prices do not include taxes and are FOB   Charged at the cost of material and labor.  For printing orders less than listed MOQ, a “Less   All orders must be in writing. Any changes to
 Ecorite Warehouse, Toronto, Ontario. US prices   than Minimum” order charge of $43.75 (g) applies.   orders must be confirmed in writing and may
 are FOB Buffalo, New York, and include taxes and   Pre-production Proof  This does not apply to samples.  change original shipping date.
 duties. All prices are subject to change without   Cost of stock item, screen set-up, and any art
 notice. Please check up-to-date pricing by visiting   charge plus $25 (g).  Production Time  Trademarks
 our website,  In-stock printed items ship 7-10 working days   All copy or other material submited for use by
 Paper Proof  after proof approval. For custom-made domestic     Ecorite to produce items ordered will be accepted
 Payment Methods  First paper proof if requested by customer is   products, allow 3-4 weeks. For custom overseas   as being in full compliance with all applicable
 We accept VISA, Mastercard, Money Order,   provided at no cost. Each additional paper proof is   orders, please allow 14 weeks for ocean delivery   laws regarding trademark, copyright of privacy,
 Certified or Company cheque. New account   $9.38 (g).  or 8-9 weeks for air delivery unless quoted   patent, or similar protection. Customer warrants
 orders must be paid in full with either a credit card   otherwise.  indemnifying and holding Ecorite harmless in any
 or certified cheque prior to order leaving our dock.   Returns and Claims  infringement action as a result of printing the
 Credit must be established before terms can be   No returns will be accepted without a Return   Rush Orders  artwork.
 applied to any order. Please contact us for further   Authorization (RA) #. This number is issued from   For 5 days or less production, a rush charge of
 information. No C.O.D. (Cash On Delivery) orders.   our Head Office. Claims must be made within   $37.50 (g) + 10% of cost of goods will apply.   Limitations of Liability
 NSF cheques are subject to an additional service   30 days of invoice. A 15% restocking fee will be   Rush production is only available for screen-  Ecorite’s liability for economic, property, damage,
 charge.  applied to all blank returned goods. All blank items   printed orders. Please call to confirm production   or personal liabilityarising from the sale, shipment,
 must be inspected and verified by the buyer/  availability. Ecorite is not responsible for delays   storage, handling or use of goods, whether
 Imprint Charges  decorator upon receipt to ensure the product is   incurred while an order is in transit.  based on alleged negligence or otherwise, shall
 A one-color imprint on one location is included   correct before printing and/or embroidery. No   not exceed in aggregate, the amount paid by the
 unless otherwise stated.  returns will be accepted oce items are printed and/  Drop Shipping  customer for the goods causing such damage.
 or embroidered by someone other than Ecorite.   The first 2 delivery addresses are included at a   Under no circumstances will Ecorite be liable for
 Blank Merchandise  Ecorite-printed goods will be subject to a full   no additional charge. A charge of $10.00 (g) per   any consequential damage (including without

 A minimum invoice value of $31.25 (g) is required   inspection before any claim can be credited.  location will be applied for each additional address   limitation, loss of use of lost profit), or any
 for all blank orders. Contact us for current blank   provided.  damages suffered by the third party.
 pricing.  Color Matching
 A PMS color matching charge of $25.00 (g) will   Imprint Area
 Screen and Set-up Charges  be applied as requested. An exact color match is   Artwork will be sized to utilize maximum product
 $56.25 (g) for each color including the first   still not guaranteed due to the varying degrees of   imprint area unless otherwise specified on PO.
 included imprint color up to 10.5” x 14”.  fabric thickness, weave, and color, which reflect
 depth of shade differently. We do mix to match   Fabric Disclaimer
 Repeat Orders  as close as possible. All imprinted orders must   Due to circumstances beyond our control, we

 Repeat set-up charge of $31.25 (g) per color   specify a PMS color. Stock ink are not subject to   cannot always guarantee the continuity of exact
 within 12 months of original order. Customers   matching charges (see page 94 for stock color   color shade from order to order of the same time.   Scan the QR code for
 must provide copy of original artwork and invoice   chart).  Minor differences may occur in fabric weight,
 # to verify before imprinting.  finish, and overall size of finished product from lot   more information:
 Samples  to lot. Color fastness of 100% cotton material is
 Self-Promo Pricing  Random stock samples are available at no charge   not guaranteed and cotton products will shrink
 A self-promo discount of EQP - 20% is available   up to a value of $12.50 (g) provided that a valid   after wash.
 for stock goods decorated with a distributor’s   shipping account is given. Samples over $10 and/
 logo. Goods to be decorated by Ecorite to apply.   or without a shipping account are sold at EQP -   Note: natural cotton shrinks more than colored or
 Set-up charges apply.  20% pricing plus freight.  white cotton.                                SCAN ME!
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