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@FruitActivewear F R U I T A C TI V E W E A R . CO M
FRUIT OF THE LOOM, INC. | 8 8 8 - 3 7 8 - 4 8 2 9
A Berkshire Hathaway Company
P.O. Box 90015, Bowling Green, KY 42102-9015 | C ANAD A 8 0 0 - 5 6 7 - 7 6 6 2
888-378-4829 | CANADA 800-567-7662
© 2023 Fruit of the Loom, Inc.: Fruit of the Loom, the Fruit Cluster, Sofspun and
Fruit of the Loom Iconic Tee are registered trademarks of Fruit of the Loom, Inc.