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           ASI  56070 (US) 56071 (CA)  |  PPAI 113948  |  SAGE  56940 (US) 68743 (CA)  |  PPPC 20031115  |  UPIC Gemline

                                             Corporate Social Responsibility

                                   We believe there is always a better way to do business and make
                            a positive impact. Betterway embraces new perspectives, experiences and ideas,
                            leading to the betterment of people and our planet, and influences the products
                                 we design as well as the partnerships we forge. With a shared vision
                                             of a better way, we are stronger together.

                    PEOPLE                              PLANET                             PRODUCT

            People are the heart and soul of          We believe in being              We are focused on offering
            our business. We are committed        responsible stewards of the         responsible products that are
              to promoting a positive and         planet. By taking purposeful       free of chemicals that endanger
              empowering culture that is             action to minimize our            people and the planet, and
             collaborative, purposeful and        environmental footprint, we         products that use recycled or
             transparent, championing our          are helping to protect our           renewable materials and
           employees, customers, communities         planet for generations                 promote reuse.
                and business partners.                    to come.

                    > Learn more.                       > Learn more.                       > Learn more.

                                  > View the full Gemline Corporate Responsibility Report.
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