Page 48 - Elite Promo Marketing
P. 48
5-10 Days Stock Blank Cap ships same day if order is
DOMESTIC STOCK placed before 2 PM - PST.
HEADWEAR Stock Cap with Embroidery ships approximately
Minimum Order: 3-10 days after digital sample approval.
12 Pieces for blank caps Some restrictions apply, please allow time for
48 Pieces for decorated caps order processing. Delivery of an actual pre-
production sample for approval will extend
order time by 1-2 weeks.
Our fastest headwear program, See pages 50 for more detailed information.
offering you in stock merchandise in
multiple styles, shapes and colors.
Add Domestic Embroidery onto our
stock caps for a complete decorated
28 DAYS Production after digital sample
approval, shipped via air freight in 3-4 days
directly to your location, anywhere in the US.
28 Days Pricing includes delivery.
Not in a hurry and want to save $$$
QUICK DELIVERY 45 DAYS Delivered after digital sample
HEADWEAR approval, via container FOB California; pricing
Minimum Order: will change based on this timeline (call for
details). Customer is responsible for shipping
144 Pieces per cap style, color from our California location.
& logo Delivery of an actual pre-production sample
for approval will extend order time by 2-3
Our QD program is perfect if you weeks. Cancellations must be in writing; No
are looking to create a unique look cancellations or changes accepted after
with quick turn around times. We production PO is placed with overseas
offer a variety of decoration options factory. Orders over 1000 pieces may require
and logo placement locations to additional lead times for production.
give each cap an individual design. See pages 55 for more detailed information.
65-75 Days 65-75 DAYS Delivered FOB California via boat
after digital sample approval.
HEADWEAR freight directly to your location, anywhere in the
Minimum Order: US, after digital sample approval. (Additional
144-576 Pieces* per cap style, costs apply)
color & logo
*some fabrics and decoration options Delivery of an actual pre-production sample for
require higher minimums approval will extend order time by 2-4 weeks.
The possibilities are unlimited with Cancellation must be in writing; No
our complete custom program. cancellations or changes accepted after
Our creative team can help you production PO is placed with overseas factory.
build original designs from unique See pages 66 for more detailed information.
fabrications, molded logos, metal
emblems, custom shapes and more!