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                 SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTS                                             compliance must be controlled and implemented in a management system.
                 We believe in classic design and quality products - a concept that will never be out-of-  Amfori BSCI also enables brands to cooperate. Today, more than 1300 companies
                 fashion. Quality is a good way to ensure long-lasting use and sustainable consumption.  worldwide have joined the Amfori BSCI. This empower our voice and influence in the
                 It is extremely important that all items of James Harvest Sportswear are safe and free  social dialogue.
                 from restricted substances.                                      New Wave Group, our mother company, has signed the International Accord for Health and
                   All suppliers of James Harvest Sportswear must follow the requirements in our   Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry. The Accord is a binding agreement designed
                 Restricted Substance List. The list has been designed in accordance with legislations such   to improve fire- and building safety for the textile industry in Bangladesh. The Accord
                 as REACH, but also taking into account industry recommendations and standards. As a   includes inspections, fire safety training as well as effective remediation and renovations.
                 result, our requirements are often stricter than the applicable legislation. We take part   The ambition is to expand the program to other production countries. The Accord is a
                 of the Swedish Chemicals Group to receive the most updated in formation on chemical   unique initiative that have significant ompact on the daily life of millions of textile workers.
                 legislation and developments. With this information we can actively work to reduce and   We are proud to be a part of this initiative.
                 replace chemicals in line with best available technique.
                                                                                  MORE ON THE ENVIRONMENT
                 IMPROVING WORKING CONDITIONS                                     James Harvest Sportswear has two main strategies to decrease environmental
                 We are aware of the great responsibility that comes with sourcing goods in countries with  impact and to cut our emissions of greenhouse gas. First of all, we must influence the
                 different legal cultures and labour conditions. We must ensure that the business operations   transportation companies that we are working with. Our membership in “Clean Shipping
                 of our suppliers respect national requirements as well as international conventions on  Index” aims to impact the shipping companies to use cleaner vessels by ranking the most
                 human rights. A successful work requires devotion and some amount of patience. Many  high-performing ships.
                 of the challenges we face are global problems like poverty and malfunctioning welfare   Our group of companies works with some of the largest transportation companies on
                 systems. In this sense, social compliance does not offer a quick-fix.  the market, all of which have environmental programs in place for their operations.
                   We believe it is essential to be presented on-site. For this reason, we have local offices   Secondly, we always strive to improve our internal logistics and work methods. Within
                 in Asia taking care of the everyday-work with supplier auditing, monitoring and dialogue.  our group, we club together as much as possible of our shipments and transportations.
                 Our CSR-staffs are educated and well-experienced on labour conditions and environmental   In addition to protecting the environment, it also contributes to the streamlining of our
                 aspects of the production sites. Their work is leading the development.  operations.
                 TERMS OF LABOUR CONDITIONS?                                      To collect and recycle waste packages is a wonderful way to reduce environmental impact
                 James Harvest Sportswear has adopted the Amfori BSCI Code of Conduct, used for   and create cradle-to-cradle circulation.  James Harvest Sportswear  embraces   to  the
                 members  of  the  Amfori  BSCI  (Business  Social  Compliance  Initiative).  It  contains   collecting system where we operate. The Green Dot is our credential of participating in
                 requirements on minimum wage, working hours and the prohibition of child labour,   the Producer Responsibility Organization.
                 amongst several other requirements from international conventions. These are our
                 main requirements on all suppliers. We also have a commitment towards Amfori BSCI to   To learn more about our work with CSR, visit
                 engage our suppliers in third party examination by independent auditors. We consider it
                 a quality assurance to have both internal and external audits. A Amfori BSCI-report is not
                 a certificate. It is a tool for responsible brands to be used in systematic monitoring and
                 improving routines. Even the best supplier could occasionally end up with findings. Social
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