Page 15 - Elite Promotional Marketing
P. 15

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                                                                                                                               weeks         days         days           weeks         weeks          weeks        days
    Disinfectant Wipes

     • It is recom mended usi ng an E PA approved
      surface disi nfect ant or alcohol wi pe t o ki ll most
      germs and vi ruses.
     • W i pes avai lab le i n a handy 10 pack or 50 pack

     • C ont ai ns 75% A lcohol
     • S D S and all compliance i nformation
      avai lab le upon request

     CBL1395 | 10 Wipe Pouch
        250        500      1000

       1.51        1.44  1.40         3C

     CBL1390 | 50 Wipe Pouch
        250        500      1000

        5.04       4.84 4.69          3C
   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19