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Sustainability Summary


               Creating a more fruitful future for our families, employees,   This summary details aspects of our Fruitful Futures™ sustainability   CORPORAtE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILItY
               stakeholders and customers has never been more critical.   plan, a multi-year roadmap to deliver essential goods fit for our
                                                                changing world.
               This belief guides a steadfast commitment to run our business
               in ways that protect both the planet and the people around    Visit us at for the latest Fruitful Futures™ impact
               it — through the products we make and the lives we enrich.    and news.
               This work spans three pillars: People-Centric, Planet-Conscious
               and Product Authenticity.

                                                   2023 Highlights


                                                                   of our cotton was
                                                                  sourced sustainably
                Decreased water intensity by                        in the U.S.
                 16.2%                68%                                                          45%
                                                                                                     of global
                    since 2018.       renewable electricity                        85%             management and
                                      since 2018 baseline.
                                                         9%                      of the products we sold
                                                                                  were manufactured in    58%
                                                       of our global production    our own facilities.
                                                       certified to Oeko-Tex ® .                    of promotions
                                                                                                     were female.

                 Achieved zero waste in our   68%                   $2.7M                        1.3M
                  own operations for the
                                                                                                 lives reached through
                       th            reduction in Scope 1 and 2    worth of product donations.  Threads of Change since 2022.
                     6 year          GHG emissions since 2018
                                     in our own operations.
                     in a row.
                                                     Our Initiatives

                       PEOPLE-                          PLANET-                         PRODUCT
                       CENTRIC                          CONSCIOUS                       AUTHENTICITY

                  Diversity & Inclusion: Foster a   Greenhouse Gases: Reduce our   Product Safety: Certify all our fabrics
                  workplace where everyone is treated   greenhouse gas emissions in line   to ensure chemical safety.
                  with respect and empowered to    with climate science.
                                                                                   Transparency: Map all our supply
                  contribute on an equal basis.
                                                   Energy: Increase use of renewables   chain back to raw materials.
                  Fair Compensation: Analyze wages   across our supply chain.
                                                                                   Sustainable Sourcing: Source our
                  for workers around the world.
                                                   Water: Reduce the amount of water    raw materials sustainably.
                  Respectful Workplaces: Committed   we use per pound of production.
                  to respectful workplaces and
                                                   Waste: Eliminate waste in our
                  upholding human and labor rights.
                                                   own operations.
                  Threads of Change: Lift up our
                  communities through donations of
                  product, time and money.

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