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GALLERY PRINTS                                                                                                DECOR

        Turn your favorite photos and memories into beautiful
        decoration pieces with our hanging Gallery Prints.
            · Print is gallery-wrapped around frame to maximize graphic space
            · Prints come with a finished back; hanging hardware is included
            · Full image wraps around the sides of the canvas frame
            · Prints can be displayed vertically or horizontally
            · Artwork is printed with UV-protected ink on durable canvas fabric
            · Canvas wrapped wood frames are sourced from sustainable
          Appalachian hardwood lumber

         Gallery Prints
         Item #  Description        1    2-5   6-11  12-24
         325400  8" x 10"          76.25  73.95  70.90  68.65
         325401  11" x 14"         89.00  86.30  82.75  80.10
         325402  12" x 12"         95.35  92.50  88.65  85.80
         325403  16" x 20"        114.40  111.00  106.40  103.00
                                                 USD MSRP (C)                                          Black corner caps
                                                                             Gallery Print
         Description  Product Size  Finished Graphic Size Product Wt. Media  extends almost            are non-marking
         8" x 10"  8.25"W x 10.125"H x 1.625"D  8" x 10"  1 lb.  canvas fabric  2" from the wall.      bumpers to
         11" x 14"  11.25"W x 14.125"H x 1.625"D  11" x 14"  1.5 lbs.  canvas fabric                   protect your walls.
         12" x 12"  12.125"W x 12.125"H x 1.625"D 12" x 12"  1.5 lbs.  canvas fabric
         16" x 20"  16.125"W x 20.25"H x 1.625"D  16" x 20"  2.4 lbs.  canvas fabric


        Enhance your photos and artwork with
        a modern black frame.
            · Gallery-wrapped prints are enclosed in a chic
          black frame to complete the modern look
            · Prints come with a finished back; hanging
          hardware is included
            · Prints can be displayed vertically or horizontally
            · Artwork is printed with UV-protected ink on
          durable canvas fabric
            · Canvas wrapped wood frames are sourced from
          sustainable Appalachian hardwood lumber

         Floating Gallery Prints
         Item #  Description       1    2-5   6-11  12-24
         325410  8" x 10"        127.10  123.20  118.20  114.40
         325411  11" x 14"       146.30  141.90  136.00  131.60
         325412  12" x 12"       165.20  160.30  153.70  148.70
         325413  16" x 20"       203.40  197.30  189.20  183.10
                                                USD MSRP (C)                                          Elegant black frame
                                                                                                      gives the Floating
         Description  Product Size  Finished Graphic Size Product Wt. Media
         8" x 10"  10.125"W x 12.125"H x 2"D  8" x 10"  2.2lbs.  canvas fabric                        Gallery Print a
         11" x 14"  13"W x 16"H x 2"D  11" x 14"  3 lbs.  canvas fabric                               finished look.
         12" x 12"  14"W x 14"H x 2"D  12" x 12"  3 lbs.  canvas fabric
         16" x 20"  18.125"W x 22.25"H x 2"D  16" x 20"  4.8 lbs.  canvas fabric

                                                                                                  after final proof approval
        Prices are subject to change. Visit for current pricing, graphic templates, product videos and assembly instructions.
        Prices are subject to change. Visit our website for current pricing.                 3    production lead time
        Setup fee: $20.00(G); no setup fee on orders placed via our website. See pages 216-219 for order details.
        Setup fee: $20.00(G); see pages 216-219 for order details.                                DAYS
        SHOWDOWNDISPLAYS.COM · ASI 87188 · PPAI 254687 · SAGE 67383 · PPPC 20101202                               205
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