Page 216 - Elite Promo Marketing
P. 216

                                                                     All images must be embedded
                                                                      All fonts must be outlined
                                                                         SAVE AS PDF
         GRAPHIC & PRINT GUIDELINES                                 PLEASE DELETE THIS LAYER
                                                                                                      PLEASE DELETE THIS LAYER
         PRODUCT TEMPLATES                                                                             All images must be embedded
                                                                                                         BEFORE SAVING
         Templates ensure artwork is printed correctly.                                                 All fonts must be outlined
                                                                                                          SAVE AS PDF
         Always use the most recent templates, which can
         be found in the "Templates/Specs" tab on each
         product page of our website.
            · Do not leave template lines in artwork
            · Templates for custom products are created after receipt
           of complete purchase order
                                                                 BLEED AREA - 33.5”W x 85”H
         with templates specifically                             FINISHED AREA - 33.5”W x 78.5”H
                                                                 VISIBLE WHEN DISPLAYED
         created for each product.                               SAFE AREA - 31.5”W x 76.5”H
                                                                 KEEP IMPORTANT TEXT/LOGOS WITHIN THIS AREA
                                                                                                     BLEED AREA - 33.5”W x 85”H
                                                                                                     FILL WITH ART FOR PRODUCTION BUT NOT VISIBLE WHEN DISPLAYED
                                                                                                     FINISHED AREA - 33.5”W x 78.5”H
                                                                                                     VISIBLE WHEN DISPLAYED
                                                                                                     SAFE AREA - 31.5”W x 76.5”H
                                                            Each template includes file setup specs for sizing your   KEEP IMPORTANT TEXT/LOGOS WITHIN THIS AREA
                                                            artwork, including the bleed, finished and safe areas.
               PRINT          ACCEPTABLE      FILE                                PRINTING
              METHOD             FILES       FORMAT                            SPECIFICATIONS

                                                           All files are printed in CMYK (process color); PMS (spot) colors and RGB files will be converted to CMYK prior to printing
                                             Adobe Illustrator           Halftones/percentages of PMS colors are acceptable
         FULL-COLOR IMPRINT  Vector with fonts outlined  .eps              Minimum line thickness 0.125" (8-9 pt. stroke)
                                               .pdf                     Minimum of 0.25" width and height on all individual elements
                                                                 Minimum of 0.5" x 0.5" for all registered trademarks, trademarks, copyright symbols, etc.
                                             Adobe Illustrator
                                               .eps                   Use product template to set up print-ready artwork
         FULL-COLOR INKJET &    Vector with fonts outlined   All files are printed in CMYK (process color); PMS (spot) colors and RGB files will be converted to CMYK prior to printing
                                                                      Full-color artwork including gradients, raster/photo images and bleeds
           FULL-COLOR DYE     and links embedded  Adobe Photoshop     Raster images must be created at actual size with 200 dpi resolution
            SUBLIMATION          Raster     (High Resolution)                Minimum of 24 pt. reversed-out text
                                               .psd                           Minimum of 12 pt. regular text
                                               .eps                    Minimum line thickness: 1 pt. regular text, 2 pt. reversed-out text
         VECTOR ART                                              RASTER ART
         (RECOMMENDED FOR ALL PRODUCTS)                             · Known as bitmap art
            · Can be scaled to any size while                       · Composed of pixels (or tiny squares)
           maintaining quality                                     grouped together to make one
            · Known as line art                                    complete image
            · Vector artwork is preferred (unless                   · When scaled larger, the image will
           printing photos)                                        look pixelated (or jagged)
                                                .eps, .ai, .pdf                                    .tif, .psd, .eps, .pdf, .jpg
                                                                    · Submit art at 200 DPI (dots per inch)
         OUTLINED FONTS                                            at full size
         Font selection can vary from computer to computer, which
         can cause a desired font to be replaced with a generic
         one. To preserve your fonts, always outline, embed, or
         convert them to curves before submitting artwork.

                                                                                   200 DPI                     10 DPI
           Original font   Missing font replaced   Original font when outlined,   High resolution images include:
                            with a generic one  embedded or converted                       Low resolution images include:
                                                 to curves       Unedited, original raw digital   Photos taken from the internet,
                                                                 photos and stock photos    scanned images, photos taken on
         EMBEDDED IMAGES                                                                    a cell phone, screenshots, etc.
         Most programs allow the user to add an image to a file by linking   UNACCEPTABLE FILE FORMATS:
         or embedding. Embedded images are stored within the document
         itself, while linked files are not. Because of this, linked files can   Quark, Corel Draw, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Publisher, Pagemaker, low-
         suddenly vanish when opened from a different computer. Embed   resolution scanned images and files over 2 GB. (InDesign files, unless
         all images to avoid losing them when files are submitted.  exported to .eps or .pdf format, will incur additional charges or be rejected).

        216                                                     SHOWDOWNDISPLAYS.COM · ASI 87188 · PPAI 254687 · SAGE 67383 · PPPC 20101202
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