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Suggested Uses
         UNITED STATES FLAG                                                                                 Colleges
         Let your patriotism fly high with these beautifully constructed durable flags.                  Businesses
             - Flags are constructed of the finest nylon, special woven two-ply polyester or polycotton  Sporting Events
             - Dyed with UV protected fade-resistant inks for longer-lasting colors with seamless transitions  Fairs
             - Nylon and polyester flags feature embroidered stars and hand-sewn stripes for an authentic high-quality flag
             - Polycotton flag is a 100% printed flag
      AGS    - Superior wearing quality dries quickly and stands up to the elements  MORE
             - Call your rep for lead times on USA Flags larger than 8' x 12'
             - Flags used outdoors have a 90-day warranty; flags used indoors have a 1-year warranty
      BA N NERS & FL                                                                  AVAILABLE

          United States Nylon Flag                                   United States Polyester Flag
          Item #  Description  Product Wt.             1             Item #  Description  Product Wt.            1
          48402  2' x 3'     0.3 lb.                  20.77         48803  3' x 5'     1 lb.                     55.15
          48403  3' x 5'     0.6 lb.                  43.92         48804  4' x 6'     1.5 lbs.                  72.60
          48404  4' x 6'     0.85 lb.                 61.10         48805  5' x 8'     2.2 lbs.                 112.80
          48405  5' x 8'     1.3 lbs.                 88.89         48806  6' x 10'    3.3 lbs.                 169.80
          484059  5' x 9.5'  1.5  lbs.               112.40         48808  8' x 12'    5.3 lbs.                 286.75
          48406  6' x 10'    1.9  lbs.               138.36         48810  10' x 15'   8.5 lbs.                 440.50
          48408  8' x 12'    3.1 lbs.                256.50         48812  12' x 18'   11.9 lbs.                639.00
          48410  10' x 15'   5.3 lbs.                376.98         48815  15' x 25'   19.7 lbs.               1071.00
                                                 USD MSRP (C)                                               USD MSRP (C)
                                                                     United States Polycotton Flag
                                                                     Item #  Description  Product Wt.            1
                                                                    484000  3' x 5'    0.4 lb.                   22.88
                                                                                                            USD MSRP (C)

                                        Nylon & Polyester United States Flags Feature

                                                 Flags up to 6'x10'
                                                 are finished with a
                       Flags feature             white canvas header           Fly end is               Flags utilize a
                       full white                and brass grommets;           finished with            quarter-inch turn-in
                       embroidered               8'x12' and larger are         four-row                 on all seams to
                       stars, no gaps.                                         lock-stitching.          reduce fraying.
                                                 finished with a rope
                                                 and thimble header.
         SHIPS                                                   CALL YOUR REP FOR LEAD TIMES ON USA FLAGS LARGER THAN 8' X 12'
         SAME DAY                                                  Prices are subject to change; visit for the most current pricing.
                                                                          Prices are subject to change; visit our website for the most current pricing.
                                                                          View current graphic templates, assembly videos and instructions on our website.
                                                                              See pages 208-211 for additional information that may apply to your order.
          WHEN ORDERED BEFORE 2 PM CENTRAL                                    See pages 208-211 for additional information that may apply to your order.
         72                  SHOWDOWNDISPLAYS.COM  •  ASI 87188  •  PPAI 254687  •  SAGE 67383  •  PPPC 20101202
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