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Sustainable Design
Sustainable practices are ever evolving. We are committed to minimizing our environmental impact and
enhancing sustainable practices through responsible design, sourcing, and daily business operations.
Products Built to Last Product Testing PFC-Free and
PFAS Compliant
STORMTECH creates timeless, high quality At STORMTECH, we take pride in ensuring
products designed to extend product our products are tested and inspected at As an outdoor clothing brand that believes
life and minimize environmental impact. the highest level of performance. we’re at our best in nature, STORMTECH
We back up our commitment to quality has partnered with fabric mills and garment
workmanship with a 5 year warranty, Our products are tested through third factories to find alternative, breathable
and have built out a sustainable product party accredited testing laboratories water repellent treatments that are PFC-
care program to extend product life according to the American Association Free without sacrificing the performance of
and performance. of Textile Chemists and Colourists our materials.
(AATCC), American Society for Testing
and Materials (ASTM), and the American With the introduction of our Fall 2023
Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA), collection, all materials used in production
among others. are now also PFAS compliant.
Product Safety Increased Use of Environmental
Sustainable Materials Stewardship
At STORMTECH we maintain a stringent
Restricted Substances List (RSL) Sourcing recycled and sustainable STORMTECH is committed to reducing the
based on global standards and laws, materials for products is a top priority environmental impact of our operations.
and a corresponding testing protocol in our daily business operations and We encourage our business partners to
that ensures our products meet these product development. This dedication to comply with all applicable environmental
standards. The RSL protocol is following sustainable practices is reflected in every laws and regulations in the country of
various substance restricting laws and new product we develop. Our focus on operation and encourage our whole
regulations such as Canadian Consumer recycled content ensures that our garments supply chain to reduce the use of natural
Product Safety Act (CCPSA), Consumer not only meet high-quality standards but resources, to re-use where feasible, and to
Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA), also contribute to a more environmentally recycle whenever is possible.
Federal Hazardous Substances Act (FHSA), conscious industry.
California’s Proposition 65, AAFA Restricted
Substance List (RSL).