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                     HI VISIBILITY DAY ONLY                                STRETCH FABRICATION                             INTRODUCING RUGGED
                     A garment that uses high-visibility materials         A garment that use fibres that will stretch     COOLING - SYZMIK’S HEAT
                     for day use only. The high-visibility material        with you to provide increased comfort and       STRESS MANAGEMENT
                     encircles the upper torso.                            unrestricted movement.                          RANGE THAT INCREASES

                                                                                                                           BREATHABILITY BY OVER
                                                                                                                           110% AND TEAR STRENGTH
                     UPF RATING                                            ADVANCED KNEE PROTECTION                        BY MORE THAN 70%.
                     Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF) -  a              A garment with a knee pad provision and extra
                     rating designed for fabric and clothing that          fabric reinforcing the knee area. This provides
                     specifically measures the level of Ultraviolet        greater protection and comfort for those                LOOK OUT FOR STYLES
                     Radiation transmitted through a fabric onto the       working on their knees.                                 WITH THIS LOGO
                     skin. UPF measures both UVA and UVB rays.

                                                                           CORDURA REINFORCEMENTS
                     BREATHABILITY                                         Cordura  is made from the highest tenacity
                     Garments that allow more air to pass through          fibre technology available. A garment with
                     the fabric thanks to innovative fabric design         Cordura  reinforcements is built to last with
                     and garment construction. This allows the             exceptional resistance to tears and abrasion.
                     wearer to stay cool, dry and more comfortable         Cordura  can withstand more then 3 times
                     while on the job.                                     the wear of traditional workwear fabrics.       INSPIRED BY THE STREET.
                                                                                                                           DESIGNED TO WORK.
                                                                                                                           THE STREETWORX
                     RIPSTOP TECHNOLOGY                                    WATERPROOF                                      RANGE IS A WHOLE NEW
                     Ripstop fabric provides increased tear and            A garment that uses water resistant fabrics     KIND OF WORKWEAR
                     abrasion resistance through an innovative             and coating to prevent water coming through     THAT HAS BEEN MADE
                     fabric weave. This weave allows the use of            the outside layer. All Syzmik waterproof        WITH FREEDOM IN MIND.
                     lighter weight fabrics to keep you cool while         garments are seamsealed to prevent water
                     still maintaining a garment that will stand up        entering through the seams and ensure
                     to the tough jobs.                                    protection from the elements.
                                                                                                                                           LOOK OUT FOR STYLES
                                                                                                                                           WITH THIS LOGO

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