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GENERAL GUIDELINES Detergents and Supplemental Chemicals
UltraSoft, UltraSoft AC and Indura fabrics can be washed and Dried by any to Avoid
conventional home method, followed by hand ironing if necessary. No special
technology is needed for home laundering Westex garments. However, home CHLORINE BLEACH
procedures may not remove the last traces of very heavy, widespread or ground-in Chlorine bleach (sodium hyporchlorite) must not be used on Westex garments,
soils, which may be flammable and could adversely affect the performance of either separately or in detergents. Review of various laundry advisories generally
Westex garments. If Home laundering does not remove contaminants or recommends against the use of chlorine bleach for protective fabrics of any fiber
contaminant build-up, garments can be periodically dry cleaned or commercially
laundered. When garments are contaminated by hazardous materials, only
commercial or on-site laundering should be used with the appropriate wastewater HYDROGEN PEROXIDE
treatment techniques. Hydrogen peroxide, which is an oxygen bleach, must not be used on Westex
garments, either separately or in detergents. The presence of metals with hydrogen
The following procedures can help provide optimum cleaning and maintenance of
peroxide can catalyze the decomposition of the Westex polymer.
protective apparel:
Detergents and other Laundry Products SOAPS
The use of soaps (salts of fatty acids) is not recommended for laundering Westex
WASHING DETERGENT SUPPLIES garments. Soaps can form insoluble scums with hard water that are deposited on
the fabric. Soap scums may be flammable themselves and can adversely affect the
A wide variety of detergents are available in supermarkets and other stores for
thermal protection performance of the garment if they burn.
household use. A list of detergents acceptable for use with Westex garments is
given in Appendix III. It is important to use a detergent and wash temperature Washing/Drying Procedures
that is sufficient to thoroughly clean soiled clothing.
Washing detergent supplies not recommended for use with Westex garments are Westex garments should be sorted by color, light washed with light colors and
listed in Appendix IV. dark with dark to avoid dye transfer. Westex garments should be washed with
other Westex garments.
Laundry products such as fabric softeners and hand builders (starch) present a PRETREATING
complex situation relative to use with all flame resistant garments washed at home. Stains, as well as deep soil lines on the collars and cuffs of garments, are more
Since it is impossible to examine and control each product and procedure that readily removed if pretreated. Stains should be pretreated at the earliest
might be used, we recommend that such products not be used. opportunity and sufficient time allowed for the pretreatment material to penetrate
and loosen the soil. The heavily soiled or stained areas should be rubbed with a
full-strength, heavy-duty liquid detergent or any off-the-self laundry
For best cleaning results and the preservation of protective characteristics, an
pretreatment product. Such pretreatment products should not contain bleach or
adequate supply of soft water is required for laundering Westex garments. Hard hydrogen peroxide either separately or in combination with detergent.
water contains salts, (such as calcium and magnesium,) which combine with other
salts and fatty based soaps to form insoluble deposits, film, scum and curd, which LOAD SIZE
can deposit on the fabric. These contaminants are difficult to rinse from the fabric When laundering Westex garments, it is important not to overload the machine. To
and may mask the flame resistance. Using soft water reduces detergent ensure a cleaner wash and avoid setting wash wrinkles, the load size must permit
consumption, improves the quality of washing and avoids adverse effects on clothes to move freely through the wash water and rinse cycle. Regardless of the
flame retardancy. machine’s rated capacity in pounds, bulk—not weight should be the limiting
factor. For optimum performance, wash garments inside out.
For more specific details, see Appendix V for information on water hardness and
its effect on home laundering. WASH TEMPERATURE
Wash Westex garments that are heavily soiled using the “hot” water temperature