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210 Tools & Novelties Tools & Novelties 211
Double face bubble sunshade
Material: Aluminium, PE, PE double bubble, Nylon210D
Dimension:130 × 60 cm
SUN0003 SUN0006
Accordion bubble sunshade with elastic straps. Bubble sunshade with elastic straps.
Material: Aluminium, PE, PE bubble, Nylon210D Material: Aluminium, PE foam, Nylon210D
Dimension:130 × 60 cm Dimension:130 × 60 cm
SUN0002 SUN0005 SUN0004
Accordion bubble sunshade with a velcro closure strap. Silver nylon sunshade, with an elastic strap and Tyvek sunshade
easy fastening with suction cups.
Material: Aluminium, PE, PE double bubble, Nylon210D Material: Tyvek, Nylon 210D
Dimension:130 × 60cm Material: PE, Nylon210D Dimension:142 × 67cm
Dimension: 142 × 67 cm