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212 Tools & Novelties Tools & Novelties 213
SUN0009 SUN0010
Mesh rear sunshade, suction cups fastening. Mesh side sun shade, suction cups fastening.
Material: Nylon mesh,Polyester 600D Material: Nylon mesh, Polyester 600D
Dimensions: 100 x 50 cm Dimension: 44 x 36 cm
SUN0007 SUN0008 SUN0011 SUN0012
Car ice shield. with suction cup fastening, foldable in a small Foam ice shield, with velcro closure strap. Steering wheel sun shade Static sun shade, electrostatically clings to windows, so it can
convenient pouch. be easily removed, repositioned and reused,blocks out 90% of
Material: PE foam, Nylon210D Material: Tyvek
Material: Aluminium, Polyester190T, Nylon 210D Dimensions: 200 x 70 cm Dimensions: 44 x 44 cm UV rays.
Dimensions: 210 x 70 cm Material: PVC
Dimensions: 40 x 30 cm