Page 85 - Elite Promotional Marketing
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Self-Promo Policy: EQP less 10% and 50% off   EQP EXEMPT ITEMS
          Same Day Rush Order Service Conditions:  applicable Setup and run charges. Minimum quantity will be   Awards
                                             half of first column quantity (where applicable). Self promos
          Please contact factory prior to placing order to ensure   are not available for full colour heat transfers and non-  Ornaments
          sufficient inventory and production capacity. Same day   inventoried items. Subject to management approval.
          rush available on all in-stock items listed as Starship items;                     Etched Glass
          catalog quantities only; one colour/location imprints only;
          screen, pad, label and sublimation. Subject to approval,                          GLASS Drink wear
          complete same day rush orders (PO and artwork) should   Ceramic Mugs: To ensure safe delivery for ceramic mugs   Cling Wipes
          be submitted together to, before   and drinkware, a Protective-Pack box will be used. In the
          12:00 pm Eastern Standard Time. Orders must be CLEARLY   event that the use of the Protective-Pack box is declined,   MPOP – Microwave Popcorn Packs
          MARKED Same-Day Rush. Failure to mark the order as RUSH   LANCO WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY BREAKAGE CLAIMS.   Imprinted Buttons (in any vessel)
          will cause a delay in order shipping. Same Day Rush Charges   Unless otherwise requested, a protective box charge of
          apply; please see for applicable same   $7.95(V) per package applies to all ceramic mug shipments.   Imprinted Conversation Hearts (in any vessel)
          day charges. Orders must be CLEARLY MARKED with item   Mugs must be ordered in multiples of 36. For Ceramic Mugs,
          number, item colour, quantity, imprint colour and shipping                   Hot Sauce (MS-415 or MS-416)
          instructions. Failure to provide the required info makes the   we recommend shipping by LTL freight and not UPS package   Sriracha Sauce (SRIRACHA)
          PO incomplete and will cause a delay in order process. No   service.
          art proofs are available. Art re-creates, typesetting and any                     BBQ Sauce (BBQ)
          art manipulation are not available for rush orders. Customer              Baking Mixes (SBM, CCCM, VCM, LM, BBM)
          account must be in good standing. Note: credit approval will
          delay production; therefore we require ALL new accounts                 Fortune Cookies & Fortune Cookie Packaging
          to pre-pay all rush orders unless credit is established and              (FC-101, FC-201, KFC-111, KFC-118, KFC-121)
          approved in advance. Order must ship via UPS. If shipping
          method is not clearly specified, the factory is authorized to            Herb & Seasoned Salt Shakers (HSHK, SESA)
          ship via air at customer’s expense to meet listed in-hands
          date.                                                                        Full Colour Heat Transfer Items
                                                                                           Personalized M&M’S

                                                                                   *Pricing in this catalog is subject to change.
                                                                                     Please visit our website for the most
                                                                                           up to date pricing.




           SHIRTS & HOODIES              BAGS & TOTES              HATS & BEANIES            JACKETS & FLEECE




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