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Get ready to go long with the Top Flite Hammer balls by
maximizing distance with increased ball speeds. Make ev-
ery hole a long drive hole and leave the lay-ups behind.
Choose Distance for maximum distance and high ball
speed, or Control for maximum speed with a soft feel.
Comes in 15-ball packs.
The Maxfli Tour Golf Balls feature a patented Center of Gravity Balanced
technology. Each golf ball’s moment of inertia is aligned in the optimal
direction and boldly marked on each golf ball. Maxfli Tour’s 3-piece con-
struction consist of a large and soft inner core, while Tour X’s 4-piece
construction consist of a soft inner core and a firm outer core.
Designed to provide maximum distance for slower swing speeds! A larger Leave the lay-ups behind and step up to long distance. With three decades
core and softer compression maintains ball speeds for increased distance. of experience in maximizing distance and durability, the Top-Flite XL Dis-
Exceptional feel and higher launch angle produced by the soft 332 dimple tance is designed to make your game big and your shots soar. Comes in
outer ball layer. Available in multi-colored packs. 15-ball packs. Available in white and yellow.
Stick scoring shots closer to the pin with SoftFli Golf Balls. Maxfli’s softest
golf ball features a 35 compression rating and delivers a blend of soft feel
and greenside control. The soft ionomer blend cover outfitted with a 332
dimple pattern further promotes soft feel while generating more consis-
tent flight for all swing speeds. Available in white, multi-color, matte blue,
matte orange, matte pink, matte red, and matte yellow.
Pinnacle Rush is designed to deliver extraordinary distance helping golfers Pinnacle Soft is designed to give golfers an incredibly soft feel and help them
of all abilities hit the ball farther with every club. The high energy core along hit the ball longer. The high energy, low compression core combined with a
with a soft cover and advanced 332 icosahedral dimple design combine for soft cover and advanced 332 icosahedral dimple design create low spin for
Maxfli’s straightest golf ball featuring a unique Find the Fairway dimple pat- a powerful, consistent ball flight for long distance with every club. Comes in longer shots and a soft feel. Comes in 15-ball packs. Available in white and
tern that utilizes 374 large and small dimples in stacked and packed pat- 15-ball packs. Available in white and yellow. pink.
terns to reduce lift and increase accuracy. With the StraightFli, that same
shot has the ability to go from the rough to the fairway. Available in white,
matte yellow, and matte orange.
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