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                                                                                                                                         HOCKEY HAT TRICK PACKAGE

                                                                                                                                     Show off your team spirit with the perfect hockey give-
                                                                                                                                     away package. Each set includes 1 import puck with one-
                                                                                                                                     side imprint in plastic cube display case, 1 mini hockey
                                                                                                                                     stick with shaft imprint, and 1 dog tag with two-side im-
                                                                                                                                     print (available in black or white finish) with same full-col-
                                                                                                                                     or imprint on each item. Personalization on each set or
                                                                                                                                     additional imprint locations also available.

                                                       CUSTOM PRINTED OFFICIAL HOCKEY PUCKS

                                                                              Official size and weight, game-ready hockey pucks
                                                                              with full-color digital imprint, able to decorate on both
                                                                              sides. Customize with your team or company logo, or
                                                                              personalize  with  individual  player  names  and photo.
                                                                              Low minimums and no setup charge! Canadian-made
                                                                              and imported pucks available.

                                                                              While we make every effort to ensure maximum dura-
                                                                              bility of the imprint, we do not warranty the pucks for
                                                                              logo wear or damage caused to pucks by game play.
                                                                              Because of the wide range of environments and con-
                                                                              ditions any given puck may face, we cannot make a
                                                                              guarantee on how long a custom printed puck can
                                                                              be used for in game play before the imprint displays
                                                                              damage.                                                17 1/2” PLASTIC MINI HOCKEY STICKS

                                                                                                                                   Plastic mini hockey sticks with full-color digital imprint, able to decorate
                                                                                                                                   on both sides. Customize with your team or company logo, or personalize
                                                                                                                                   with individual player names and photo. Large imprint area both on shaft
                                                                                                                                   and blade, perfect for promoting your brand or team. Low minimum and
                                                                                                                                   no setup charge.

                                      4 OZ. BLUE                                          HOCKEY PUCK                                                       MINI                                                    DOG TAGS
                                      JUNIOR PUCKS                                        DISPLAY CASE                                                      GOALIE STICK

          Lighter weight design for youth players. The weight of the puck is suited   Available in cube style, the clear plastic protects the puck from acci-  Goalie stick version of our popular plastic mini hockey sticks with an     Powder coated steel dog tags with full-color imprint. Customize with
          for the strength of younger players and for the protection level of their   dental scuffs while also keeping the dust at bay. Treasure your memo-  even larger imprint area. Able to combine with regular stick orders and/  your team colors and logo, able to have different decoration on each
          equipment.                                                ries as you display your favorite signed puck, team puck, or any souve-  or hockey hat trick packages.                   side. Comes with a 24” bead chain and individually wrapped in re-seal-
                                                                    nir puck you value. The case holds each puck in an upright, yet slightly                                                 able polybags. Available in black or white. Able to personalize individual
                                                                    declined manner to be easily visible.                                                                                    dog tags.

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